CPA Congress Speaker Biographies

CPA Congress Speaker Biographies

Panel discussion 2 - Panellist

Robert Lui Hong Kong Digital Asset Leader, Deloitte China Biography Robert Lui is Capital Market Services Group Southern Region Offering Services Leader & Hong Kong Offering Leader, and Hong Kong Digital Asset Leader of Deloitte China. With over 20 years of professional experience, Robert has led numerous engagements with listed companies, growth enterprises and overseas corporations in a broad range of industries from consumer to real estate to technology, covering audit & assurance, digitalization, and mergers & acquisition services. Overseeing the firm’s digital asset program in Hong Kong, he works closely with regulators, trading platforms, custodians, and asset...


Panel discussion 2 - Panellist

Kelvin Tse Head of Global Partner Solutions, Microsoft Hong Kong Biography Kelvin is the Head of Global Partner Solutions at Microsoft Hong Kong. His team oversees the company’s channel strategy, supporting a large partner network to serve different customers' needs in digital transformation. Prior to this role, he was the Director for the Public Sector Group (PSG) at Microsoft Hong Kong and managed Microsoft’s relationships with Government, Healthcare and Education customers. He led the business growth and cloud transformation in Public Sector which was aligned to the Hong Kong Smart City blueprint and development. He also had 2 years experiences in Microsoft...


Panel discussion 3 - Panellist

Archie Fong Head of Healthcare and Corporate Finance for Ping An of China Capital (HK) Biography Mr. Archie Fong accumulated over 23 years of experience in investment, financing and corporate management. He handled tremendous projects including direct investment, IPO, M&A, equity and debt financing with total deal sizes close to US100 billion. He assisted his served investment bank in securing no.1 IPO fund raising in HK and the globe. Mr. Fong actively cooperates with the governments and professional associations to organise financial topic related forums, activities and policy consultation works. He also contributes to the development of medical and healthcare industries in...


Panel discussion 3 - Panellist

Daniel Chan Executive Vice President and Head of Greater Bay Area, HSBC Biography Daniel Chan is the Head of Greater Bay Area (GBA) at HSBC. He spearheads HSBC’s strategic development in GBA, a key focus of the Bank’s Asia growth strategy. He leads the overall business strategy development and implementation in GBA, across all business lines and functions to capture opportunities brought by GBA’s economic growth and policy enhancement measures. HSBC was named the Best International Bank for GBA in 2021 and 2023, as well as the 2022 Best International Bank for the Wealth Management Connect, by Asiamoney. Daniel is an HSBC veteran with more than 30...


Panel discussion 3 - Panellist

龔永德 高翹顧問有限公司主席 簡歷 龔永德先生是第十三及十四屆全國政協委員和香港特別行政區特首政策組專家組成員。他是高翹顧問有限公司的主席,原畢馬威中國副主席及香港稅務學會前會長,擁有超過 30 年的工作經驗,亦是香港業界內少數可以在內地執業的特許稅務師。他經常就內地與香港的稅務政策向兩地政府進行討論並提出意見和建議,不少建議已被採納。龔先生熱愛教育。他曾出任香港中文大學及北京師範大學的客座教授。
