CPA Congress Speaker Biographies

CPA Congress Speaker Biographies

Guest of Honour

舒惠好 Shu Huihao 中華人民共和國財政部會計司司長 Director General of Accounting Regulatory Department of the Ministry of Finance of the People's Republic of China Biography 現任中華人民共和國財政部會計司司長,其中2011年至2017年,兼任聯合國貿發組織國際會計報告標準政府間專家工作組(ISAR)中國代表。 1993-2006 財政部會計司科員、副主任科員、主任科員、副處長、 處長 2006-2010 財政部駐河南專員辦副監察專員 2010-2014 財政部會計司副巡視員 2...


Panel discussion 6 - Panellist

Wilson Pang Senior Partner, Advisory, Southern China, KPMG Biography Wilson Pang is the Senior Partner of Advisory, Southern China at KPMG, board member of the KPMG Foundation and the Head of Our Impact Plan, oversees KPMG's own ESG initiatives and commitment in the community. He has 30 years of financial services industry and capital market experience, specialising in advisory services, particularly related to non-performing loans (NPLs), corporate especially state-owned enterprise (SOE) restructuring and reform. He is also a fellow accountant of CPA Australia and HKCPAA. Wilson also leads the Greater Bay Area(GBA) regional penetration for KPMG, and holds several public...


Panel discussion 1 - Panellist

John Haffner Deputy Director — Sustainability, Hang Lung Properties Biography John Haffner is Deputy Director – Sustainability, Hang Lung Properties Ltd., where he is responsible for formulating the Group-wide sustainability strategy and driving its execution. He has more than two decades of experience in cleantech, infrastructure and sustainability in Asia and North America, and is proficient in Mandarin. John was a World Fellow at Yale University, and has more than 20 publications on various topics including the environment, energy and international affairs.


Panel discussion 3 - Panellist

郑悦 国泰航空集团之顾客时尚生活 - 中国区总监 简歷 郑悦女士于国泰航空集团担任顾客时尚生活 - 中国区总监。她作为太古集团领袖计划成员,加入国泰航空公司,先后在多个主要部门及香港、新加坡、日本,大湾区办公室担任要职。曾获任国泰航空「未来机场计划」项目负责人、国泰航空大湾区首席代表,目前任职顾客时尚生活中国区总监,负责国泰航空集团在中国内地的品牌转型、跨品牌合作、会员计划发展,用亚洲万里通里数提升会员在生活方式的奖赏和体验。


Panel discussion 3 - Moderator

Jasmine LeeManaging Partner, Hong Kong & Macau Biography Jasmine is the Managing Partner of the EY member firms in Hong Kong and Macau, overseeing all aspects of business operations in these locations. She also spearheads the EY Greater Bay Area (GBA) Center of Excellence, championing greater integration and cooperation within the GBA. With over 25 years of experience in providing various and comprehensive professional services to clients in the financial services industry, Jasmine has deep expertise in leading business growth and optimization, digital transformation and innovation, as well as overseas investment and acquisition initiatives for major financial institutions across...
