The 50th anniversary video:
Accounting for Success Now and Beyond
About HKICPA 50th Anniversary

About the HKICPA
Established in 1973, the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA) is the statutory body established by the Professional Accountants Ordinance (Cap. 50) responsible for the professional training and development of certified public accountants in Hong Kong, as well as the setting of professional standards for the profession. Currently, the Institute has over 47,000 members and over 14,000 registered students.
Our Qualification Programme assures the quality of entry into the profession, and we promulgate financial reporting, auditing and ethical standards that safeguard Hong Kong's leadership as an international financial centre.
The CPA designation is a top qualification recognized globally. The Institute is a member of and actively contributes to the work of the Global Accounting Alliance and International Federation of Accountants.
Visit the official HKICPA website to learn more.
The anniversary logo
Incorporating the wing from the Institute's logo that is coloured the red of Hong Kong's bauhinia flag, the number 50 encompasses the Institute's vital role as a guardian of the city's financial system over the past five decades. The logo is further embellished with fireworks that are the same colour as the Institute's remaining wings.
The anniversary theme
The theme "Accounting for success now and beyond" calls for a celebration of our achievements over the past half century, as well as to look forward to the continued efforts of the Institute and the profession to remain mainstays of Hong Kong's development as an international financial centre.